About me

Hello all! My name is Dana Salim and I am currently a Visual Communication Major. I am in my senior year and will (hopefully) be graduating in the fall. I also work as an Optical Technician/ Assistant at an optometry office here in SF, while also managing 2 little companies I have. I really enjoy the UI/UX field of design, but I also love 3D printing and prototyping products too. If I'm not at school, work, or doing president stuff for my sorority, I'm usually just drawing, coding apps/websites, taking/developing photos, or out with some friends.

I am inspired by my family and friends who continuously believe in me and support the things I do. I am also motivated by the works of some influential people in this world like Michelle Obama and Bill and Melinda Gates. I am inspired by their philanthropic works and their ambition for innovation. I find it amazing that people like them continue to inspire good change in this world.

 "If not now, when? If not you, then who?" -Hillel the Elder

The quote above is something that I think of often when I am hesitant on stepping out of my comfort zone. It has helped me see that I cannot just watch the world as it is, but rather I should try to make it better.

After graduation, I hope I am able to find work as a UI/UX designer, hopefully in the Bay Area so I can stay here (away from the heat of LA). I also really enjoy science so I wanted to become a medical illustrator part time. I hope that in the future I can run my own successful business.  I want to be able to also donate and fund many philanthropies in the Bay Area and LA, as I grew up in these places and want to see these communities flourish.

Some words that describe me: Outgoing, adventurous, friendly, ambitious, and hopeful.
Photos 1-2: Sketches and Illustrations I drew
Photos 3-5: Inspiration

I don't have many photos of myself on my laptop, but these illustrations & photos encompass everything I really enjoy, adventure, design, and drawing.


  1. Who knew such a career as medical illustrator ever existed? (Not me, haha!) But your forging interests sure make for an exciting path to follow. PS: really awesome job with those illustrations.

  2. Wow, I can't believe how much you juggle I love your ideas and ambitions, I second that your illustrations are awesome!

  3. Hello Diana! It was awesome working with you on the design thinking project. I really liked getting to know what your future projects are, I want to start a business some day too, I just don't know what yet. Looking forward to collaborating with you this summer!

  4. Hello Dana, I'm also majoring in Visual Communication design! From your bio I know you like UI/UX field of design that I'm rarely touched. I more prefer in graphic design, and I love your illustrations:)

  5. How fun you have learned to use the 3D printer! that will be very helpful for your future. Becoming a medical illustrator sounds like a really awesome experience! BTW I am totally in love with your first drawing and would love some more insight on how you did it. You have great ambitions!

  6. Dana, Welcome to DES 505 Senior Design Project. Looking forward to the successful development of your designated creative research project. Please update your BLOG with your Design Thinking Activity Results, Critique Review of the Past 505 Project Reports, & Your Three (3) designated 505 Project Topics+Problem/Purpose Statements - Thanks!

    Prof. Gomes

  7. Hi, Dana. I can see your life is so positive and challenge. Support and encouragement from family and friends are very sweet and important. Hope you can have achieved all your goals in the future.

  8. Hey Dana! I can’t imagine having to juggle so many jobs/activities, I admire that! I really like your illustrations. I wish I had more time to draw too.


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